I am writing this during the first week of May , looking back on a flower-filled April , that saw me harvesting lots of beautiful speciality Narcissi and premium Tulips , then preparing them as Wraps and Bouquets , either on their own or with other garden-gathered flowers, foliage and blossoms. I am so grateful to Every One who has purchased my Flowers & Foliage , both retail and wholesale , and I hope that You have loved them every bit as much as I truly have.
I started-off April with some lovely early Narcissi continuing from March , including peony-type , white ‘Obdam’ and double , white-and-gold ‘White Lion’ , plus more multi-headed double ‘Cheerfulness’ . Then along came the stunning , white-with-a-flash-of-orange ‘Acropolis’ and , one that truly captivated me , Narcissus ‘Cosmopolitan’ , what a beauty !
As expected , the Tulips started-off with early ‘Exotic Emperor’ in classic-cloths of white and green , unravelling as they grow , plus glorious pink, green and cream ‘Weber’s Parrot’ , who wowed me and many of my Followers and Customers.
Early Tulip ‘Exotic Emperor’ Wonderful ‘Weber’s Parrot’ What a Bounty !
Then , despite the gales , hails and rain , I had a yummy harvest of ‘Orange Marmalade’ and ‘Virichic’ , plus bumper crops of ‘La Belle Epoque’ , which are stunning on their own , or mixed in a Bouquet with gorgeous Geums ‘Totally Tangerine’ and ‘Coral Tempest’.
Tulip ‘Orange Marmalade’ Groovy Baby ! Lovely ‘La Belle Epoque’ Gorgeous Geums ‘Totally Tangerine’ and
‘Coral Tempest’Put it all together with some dwarf Lilac and seasonal , scented Wallflowers
I rounded-off April Tulips with lots and lots of the most lovely ‘Belicia’ and ‘Finola’ plus gentle, cream ‘Angel’s Wish’ and the eye-catching , stand-out ‘Grand Perfection’ , living up to its stately name , in being , grandly perfect !
Tulip ‘Finola’ – an absolute beauty Tulip ‘Grand Perfection’ – indeed Tulip ‘Angel’s Wish’ – so lovely Beautiful ‘Belicia’ Fabulous ‘Finola’
A very successful , flower-filled April , thank you … here we go into May !