May Focus

My harvest of gorgeous Tulips continued into May with the later bloomers , including beautiful pale-salmon-pink ‘Menton’ , pale-pink-and-green ‘Greenland’ and primrose-and-blush ‘Elegant Lady’. I loved pairing ‘Menton’ and ‘Greenland’ with Geum ‘Totally Tangerine’ and darker Astilbe foliage , for a sultry yet bright combination. For the fluted blooms of ‘Elegant Lady’ , I complimented Her blush with silvery-lavender Alliums and Her primrose with the oh-so-pretty Meadow Buttercup , Ranunculus acris ‘Citrinus’ and the lovely ‘Lieke’ Narcissus.

Dutch Iris are fabulous late May main Flowers to grow ; easily from bulbs planted in the Autumn , they come in a wonderful array of colour combinations , all featuring the yellow or orange contrasting ‘signal’ at their centre , to help guide-in their Pollinators ! I paired ‘White Excelsior’ with beautiful , white Sweet Rocket and chartreuse Alchemilla mollis ; this was another of my favourite May-time combinations !

Another of my favourite Bouquets to create this month , was my ‘Meadow Bouquet’ full of Geranium pratense ‘Blue Skies’ , Geums , Sweet Rocket , Alchemilla mollis and field Grasses ; these all came together absolutely perfectly !

Thank you May for being so magical , with the Spring Bulbs coming to their finale , whilst ushering-in the premier of the Perennials !