My harvest of gorgeous Tulips continued into May with the later bloomers , including beautiful pale-salmon-pink ‘Menton’ , pale-pink-and-green ‘Greenland’ and primrose-and-blush ‘Elegant Lady’. I loved pairing ‘Menton’ and ‘Greenland’ with Geum ‘Totally Tangerine’ and darker Astilbe foliage , for a sultry yet bright combination. For the fluted blooms of ‘Elegant Lady’ , I complimented Her blush with silvery-lavender Alliums and Her primrose with the oh-so-pretty Meadow Buttercup , Ranunculus acris ‘Citrinus’ and the lovely ‘Lieke’ Narcissus.
Tulip ‘Menton; Tulip ‘Greenland’ Salmony-pinks and Tangerine ; a beautiful combination Narcissus ‘Lieke’ , so pretty and beautifully scented Tulip ‘Elegant Lady’ ‘Elegant Lady’with Meadow Buttercup ‘Citrinus’ Tulips ‘Menton’ and ‘Greenland’ paired with Geum ‘Totally Tangerine’ and dark foliage of Astilbe Tulipa ‘Elegant Lady’ complimented by ‘Citrinus’ Buttercup , Narcissus ‘Lieke’ and silvery Alliums
Dutch Iris are fabulous late May main Flowers to grow ; easily from bulbs planted in the Autumn , they come in a wonderful array of colour combinations , all featuring the yellow or orange contrasting ‘signal’ at their centre , to help guide-in their Pollinators ! I paired ‘White Excelsior’ with beautiful , white Sweet Rocket and chartreuse Alchemilla mollis ; this was another of my favourite May-time combinations !
Gorgeous , Gorgeous Dutch Iris ‘White Excelsior’ with white Sweet Rocket and chartreus Alchemilla mollis
Another of my favourite Bouquets to create this month , was my ‘Meadow Bouquet’ full of Geranium pratense ‘Blue Skies’ , Geums , Sweet Rocket , Alchemilla mollis and field Grasses ; these all came together absolutely perfectly !
A glorious combination of meadow Geranium ‘Blue Skies’ , Geums , Sweet Rocket , Alchemilla mollis and Field Grasses – for my May ‘Meadow Bouquets’
Thank you May for being so magical , with the Spring Bulbs coming to their finale , whilst ushering-in the premier of the Perennials !