July Focus

Alstroemeria featured in many of my Bouquets , Bunches and Wraps in July. They come in so many glorious colours and combinations and last possibly the longest of all cut-flowers in the vase. The cultivars that I grow have super-long stems , always to be pulled , not cut , so that even more flowering stems are then produced ! I love the creams, yellows and pinks , I teamed them with my glorious foliage of Cotinus ‘Golden Spirit’ and other stems such as the beautiful , buttery Daisies of ‘E. C. Buxton’ and the amazingly tall and beautiful Daisies of Erigeron annuus. I was also able to use my new Crocosmia ‘George Davison’ , again with super-tall stems and gorgeous golden-orange flowers. Happy Days indeed !

Astilbe was a new cut-flower to me in July , I have long loved these feathery-plumes around the Pond of my Client’s Garden and I was gifted my own Garden Treasure many years ago , so it’s nice that that is the plant that I used. A beautiful , silvery-pink that paired beautifully with creamy-white Achillea and Astrantias. My other focal Flowers for these Bunches were my faithful and new favourites Gladioli nanus , being ‘The Bride’ and ‘Halley’ this year , and definitely to add to these cultivars for next year ! Loveliness all the way at Haven Flowers !